NonClinical Careers for Physicians™ Podcast
NonClinical Careers for Physicians is the expertise of third_Evolution. We'll discuss the special issues of physician career transition, offer important do's and don'ts, critical tips for success and answer that most important question: What's Out There for physicians.
NonClinical Careers for Physicians™ Podcast
Follow Up, the Key to Being a Networking Star
May 01, 2020
Robert F. Priddy, President, third_Evolution
Season 1
Episode 21
Networking is about follow up. It's about creating reasons to build relationships, about people wanting to introduce you to other people and about your management of a group of people in order to help them help you. Follow up, appropriate follow up is the key to managing networking well. This podcast talks about how to follow up effectively in order to create an effective and successful nonclinical career transition.